Tuesday, March 26, 2013


THE EYE-OPENER OF THE BIWEEKLY: I envy the beasts two things--the ignorance of evil to come and their ignorance of what is aid about them. Voltaire


1. On Friday, April 26, Cynthia Noble will visit the Museum of Contemporary Photography, have lunch at Pegasus in Greek Town and then visit a Gallery.

2.During the first class period of the week of April 15, we will have a test on Europe at the top of its game and Late Modernity.   The essay are  1. What was Europe like at the top of its game? Use both Palmer and Zweig in your answer and 2. What are the themes that bind the different areas of Late Modernity together? Cite examples.

The Week of April 1

The Long Period: we will use the extra thirty minutes  for the Late Modernity Project.

CLASS ONE: I will return your research papers. We will then discuss the Preface and the World of Security from Stefan Zweig's The World of Yesterday. HOMEWORK: please read The School in the Last Century from the Zweig text.

CLASS TWO: we will discuss the reading. HOMEWORK: please read pages 574- 595 (to Bismarck and the German Empire, 1871-1890).

CLASS THREE: we will discuss the reading. HOMEWORK: please pages 595-612 (to Genetics, Anthropology, and Psychology)

CLASS FOUR: we will discuss the reading. HOMEWORK: please read section 76 and Irrationalism and Freud: A New View of Human Nature from the handout, Modern Consciousness: New Views of Nature, Human Nature, and  the Arts.

The Week of April 8

The Long Period: the extra thirty minuets will be used for the Late Modernity Project.

CLASS ONE: we will discuss the reading. HOMEWORK: please read pages 706-718 the section on Social Thought: Confronting the Irrational and the Complexities of Modern Society and The Modernist Movement from your handout.

CLASS TWO: we will discuss the reading. HOMEWORK: finish the handout and outline the first essay question, What was Europe like at the top of its game? Use both Palmer and Zweig in your answer.

CLASS THREE: we will discuss the reading and the first essay question. HOMEWORK;: outline the second essay question, What are the themes that bind the different areas of Late Modernity together? Cite examples.

CLASS FOUR: we will discuss the second essay question. HOMEWORK: prepare for TEST on Europe at the top of  its game and Late Modernity.

Sunday, March 3, 2013


THE EYE-OPENER OF THE BIWEEKLY: Liberty for wolves is death to lambs. Isaiah Berlin


1. On Friday, March 8, Cynthia Noble will her art lecture.

The week of March 4

The Long Period: Late Modernity assignment.

CLASS ONE: I will return your Euro tests. We will then discuss sections 63 through 65 in Palmer. HOMEWORK: please read sections 66-68

CLASS TWO: we will discuss the reading. HOMEWORK: handout,  Send in the Clowns, How Italy's disastrous election threatens the future of the euro.

CLASS THREE: we will discuss the handout. HOMEWORK FOR MONDAY: please do Cynthia's art assignment and read section 69.

CLASS FOUR: Cynthia Noble's art talk.

The Week of March 11

The long period: The Late Modernity Project.

CLASS ONE: I will collect your art assignments and we will discuss peaceable nation building in Canada. HOMEWORK for third class period: sections 71 and 72.

CLASS PERIOD TWO: you will work on your research papers in class.

CLASS THREE:  we will discuss the "Civilized World" and "Basic Demography." HOMEWORK: finish up your research papers.

CLASS FOUR: I will collect your research papers and we will read some of them in class. HOMEWORK: please section 73.