Friday, May 31, 2019

Weekend Advice and Conclusion Changes Locked Deadline

Weekend Advice
1. Assume goodwill. Someone may have made changes to try to make something clearer, not realizing they blurred your meaning.
2. Be collaborative and cooperative.  Remember your best-case scenario is consensus and package deals, not contention and fracturing deals.  Try to reconcile conflicts. Go for a win-win approach. How do you both get what you need?
3. Less is more. The more confusing something is, the more likely someone won't vote for it.

Rule Announcement by Mr. Janus and Ms. Gerst: No changes may be made to the Conclusions in the Google Folder after 8:25 am on Monday, June 3.  At that time, the documents are locked, and each will be reviewed in its final form in class prior to the EU Summit Meeting after school.

Thursday, May 30, 2019

The Eastern Bloc under Soviet Occupation Remembered

People's Century: End of Cold War

EU Population Numbers by Country

For a conclusion to pass the "qualified majority" rule of 55% of EU countries representing 65% of the EU population, you will need a minimum of 16 countries and 332.8 million people.  Individual countries' populations can be found here:

Monday, May 27, 2019

European Parliament Election Results Available Here!

You may use the dropdown box available at this LINK HERE to see the final results sorted by your chosen European country.   Total seats and voter turnout (how democratic were they?) below.  Why and how does this matter?  Many reasons, for example, it would be difficult for the EU Council to set a policy that will not ultimately have enough votes to PASS in the European Parliament.  Make sense? 

Analysis from the NY Times: 
Analysis from the Wall Street Journal here: 

As Mr. Janus points out, Nigel Farage's Brexit party showed strong in UK elections, though voter turnout was low.

Friday, May 3, 2019

Round I Working Group Rehearsal: Globalization vs. EU Integration vs. Economic Nationalism

Notes and attendees below.  For those groups totally absent (no attendee and no substitute), please see below and work to make up the considerable opportunity you missed.  A technical vocabulary was presented, along with research questions, and a "toolkit" of articles.