Wednesday, October 21, 2015

Gerst Schedule Update

Dear Ms. Gerst students of 7th period, you must be through Palmer Sections 11-13 when you walk in the door on Thursday!

Monday, October 12, 2015


Janus' sections will discuss section 11 during their first meeting on Monday. Tuesday's class will be devoted to reviewing the long Reformation essay and looking at possible catenas in section 11 of Palmer. On Thursday, only the fifth period will meet until 11: 45 because of the English Field Trip. The class will use that time to begin reading their assigned chapter of The Proud Tower. On Friday, both class will have a test on the Reformation and section 11 in Palmer.

Friday, October 9, 2015


Due to no class on Wednesday (PSAT) OR Thursday (English field trip), we will discuss Section 10 of Palmer on the Counter / Catholic Reformation on Monday and Gerst 7th period will take their essay test on Friday, October 16. We will not discuss Sections 11 and Section 12 of Palmer until Tuesday, October 20. This change is necessary to ensure your progress report test grade is based on more than a single test.  For homework for Monday, students should focus on Section 10 on the Catholic Reformation and the primary source Reformation packet #4 (Ignatius Loyola, Council of Trent, St. Teresa) for Monday!

Thursday, October 1, 2015


Due to the technical disruptions (loss of connectivity, etc) that caused you to lose 10-15 minutes of work time, students will be permitted to use the beginning of the class period tomorrow to finish their tests.  Please go ahead and read the Manchester assignment so that we may begin our unit on the Reformation afterwards.