Unit 4: Conflicting Kaleidoscopes: French Revolution and Napoleonic Era

CLASS ONE:  What were the causes of the French Revolution? How much credit should the Enlightenment and American Revolution get for the French Revolution?  Could the reforms of the National Assembly be described as the death warrant of the Old Regime?  

Ted-Ed What Caused the French Revolution 

Crash Course: French Revolution 

CLASS TWO: Does the French Revolution teach us that regime change is always a bloody business?  

History Channel French Revolution documentary 

CLASS THREE: According to Perry, why and how did the French Revolution move from a moderate to a radical stage? How do you evaluate the purpose and significance of the Terror?   

CLASS FOUR:  Does the film's narrative and Perry's treatment narrative compete or compliment one another? 


CLASS FIVE: How do Edmund Burke's kaleidoscope of the Revolution differ from Robespierre's?  

        Burke                                          Robespierre 

CLASS SIX:  How are Schama's conclusions about the Revolution different from Perry's? Does Schama's analysis of the role of violence change your view of it?  

          Perry                                                                                  Schama 

CLASS SEVENWhat principles underlay Napoleon's domestic reforms? How did Napoleon both preserve and destroy the ideals of the French Revolution? Why is the French Revolution a decisive period in the shaping of the modern West?  

Ted Ed History vs. Napoleon 

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