Unit 7: Nationalism, Unification & Changing Jewish Identity

Nationalism & Unification 

  • Italy vs. Austria 582-586, 622-623, and the Hapsburg Empire from 592-593. How did nationalism promote unity in Italy and division in Hapsburg Austria? 
Italian unification play from class
  • Germany from 586-592 and 621-622.  What was the historical significance of the unification of Germany under Prussian leadership? How did conservatives like Bismarck tried to win over support of the masses?
  • Russia: Tsarist Empire (623-625) and the Emancipation of serfs. For the textbook, why were liberal reforms and industrialization so difficult to achieve in tsarist Russia? For the primary source, what was the likely kaleiodoscope of the tsar? of the nobility? of the peasants?  

Nationalism & Anti-Semitism 
  • Rise of Racial Nationalism (593-603) Why did the expressions of extreme nationalism mark a repudiation of the Enlightenment tradition and a regression to mythical modes of thought? What is the relationship between medieval and modern anti-Semitism? How does anti-Semitism demonstrate the immense power of mythical thinking?
  • Go to MAIN PAGE of BLOG for the videos on Sholem Aleichem and his life in Russia in the era of modernity (urbanization, industrialization, secularization, and professionalization), persecution, and pogroms. 
  • France: The Nation Divided (618-621).   How was the Dreyfus Affair an example of the rise of racial nationalism?   

European (and non-European) Migration

Jewish Viennese life, anti-Semitism & Zionism 

Zweig, World of Yesterday, the Foreward, the World of Security, At School in the Last Century (80-86), and Universitaes Vitae (124-135) 
  • Unity & disunity in Austrian-Hungarian Empire  
  • Jewish Viennese life 
  • the rise of nationalism in Austria 
  • anti-Semitism and Zionism 
How does Zweig describe his "World of Yesterday?" How does it corroborate and compete with Perry's narrative on the growth of "extreme nationalism" and anti-Semitism?  

How does Zweig describe the university, his life, and the Zionist movement of Theodor Herzl? 

Looking back across the chapters we have read, how does Zweig see (and not see) the growth of anti-Semitism, and the creation of the Zionist movement, prior to World War I in Austria? 

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