Monday, May 28, 2018

EU Mindset, Press Play.

On Tuesday, during class time, COME TO JUDD C116.  We will be holding rehearsals, working through the mechanics of the opening and closing ceremonies.  At Friday's rehearsal, it was suggested that we get rid of the "moving around/informal negotiation" in the formal room and replace it with a seated dialogue between countries.  We have adopted that change.  We will go over it in class.  A reminder that you should upload your final policy position to the EU Mock Council folder on Google Drive. There are subfolders for immigration, liberal democracy, and trade. 

Attached HERE is the final version of scripted protocols that the Austrian President will follow in running the Mock EU Council. It contains helpful language/terminology for the rest of you as well in terms of speaking, dialoguing, and making motions, reservations, and objections. 

You've got this!! Check out the Irish kids below conducting a similar (albiet not multilingual) activity on the Euro crisis and climate change.

Monday, May 21, 2018

People's Century 1937: Total War

War's Impact on Civilian Refugees, Decline of Liberal Democracy, 
and Soviet Position on Postwar Peace Settlement  

Tuesday, May 15, 2018

Sunday, May 13, 2018

Sequence of AIC Presentations (Updated on May 15)

Hello Students:

You should meet Mr. Janus in front of Blaine to ride the bus to the Art Institute at 10:30 am. You should bring money for lunch.  You will return to Lab via bus at 2:30 pm to be back for dismissal.

Below is the sequence of presentations (updated on May 15, 6:30 pm) for our field trip to the Art Institute of Chicago. You can also view this Google doc, which includes students' names, the titles of their artworks, and the location of the artworks in the museum. This is a link to the AIC Visitor's Guide.

11:00 am: We check into the Education Wing of the museum

1. Gabby Gruszka and Isabella Kellermeier
2. Arjun Asokumar and Aden Chon
3. Macy Beal and Kathy Luan
4. Ariel Montague and Sara Gregg
5. Ben Epley and Nikita Kumar
6. Jason Coe and Charlie McGowan
7. Stanley Shapiro and Nolan Issa
8. Abby Slimmon and Maddie Walsh

Approximately 12:15 pm to 1:00 pm: LUNCH BREAK. We will be going to the Museum Café.

9. Eve Grobman and Franzi Wild
10. J. Henrik Nielsen and Leland Culver
11. Jeremy Ng and Nathan Appelbaum
12. Mickey Claffey and Ismael Figueroa
13. Ananya Asthana and Donna Tong
14. Claire Duncan, Alex Witkowska, Katerina Lopez
15. Asher Liu and Gaurav Shekhawat
16. Riya Chadha and Orion Stroud
17. Ben Wolf and Jonny Lyndon

Approximately 2:15 pm: We return to the Education Wing to gather our belongings and head back to school.

Sunday, May 6, 2018

France's Macron Likely To Meet Resistance From Merkel On European Reform Proposals

France's Macron Likely To Meet Resistance From Merkel On European Reform Proposals
by Esme Nicholson
NPR - April 18, 2018
French President Emmanuel Macron has ambitious plans for European Union reform and has been counting on cooperation from Germany, France's closest European ally, to see those plans come to fruition. But when he meets in Berlin Thursday with German Chancellor Angela Merkel to discuss his proposals, he may face resistance....

100 Iranians Remain Stranded In Austria Awaiting Asylum In The U.S.

100 Iranians Remain Stranded In Austria Awaiting Asylum In The U.S.
by Deborah Amos
NPR - March 31, 2018
As Christians all over the world celebrate Easter weekend, dozens of fellow faithful are growing weary — waiting for the virtual gates of America's refugee services to reopen....

How Germany Is Approaching Potential U.S. Tariffs On Steel And Aluminum

How Germany Is Approaching Potential U.S. Tariffs On Steel And Aluminum
NPR - April 30, 2018
[Copyright 2018 NPR]...

Russia Opposition Leader Alexei Navalny Arrested Amid Anti-Putin Protests

Russia Opposition Leader Alexei Navalny Arrested Amid Anti-Putin Protests
by Lucian Kim
NPR - May 5, 2018
[Copyright 2018 NPR]...

Alarm Grows In France Over Anti-Semitic Violence

Alarm Grows In France Over Anti-Semitic Violence
by Eleanor Beardsley
NPR - May 3, 2018
In late March, thousands of people took to the streets of Paris to protest the murder of an elderly woman whose killers may have been motivated by anti-Semitism. The silent march started at Place de la Nation and ended at 85-year-old Mireille Knoll's apartment in a working-class neighborhood in the east of the city. That's where her partially charred body was found with stab wounds on March 23....