Monday, May 25, 2020

United States Holocaust Memorial Museum Personal Narrative Virtual Field Trip

The historian Marvin Perry asks students to answer the question of the meaning of the Holocaust for Western Civilization, for Jews, for Germans, and for Christians. This strikes at the very heart of the “kaleidoscope” (a/k/a "shifting perspective") method at the root of this class.  Please take a Virtual Field Trip to the United States Holocaust Museum in Washington D.C. to find personal narratives of the survivors of the Holocaust to enrich and expand your understanding of the horrors of the Holocaust for the 6 million whose lives were extinguished, often having suffered fates worse than death, as well as the aftermath as survivors took on new identities as displaced peoples, orphans, refugees, and survivors. Both primary source written and video accounts of survivors are exhibited on these pages.
Step 1: Please go to exhibit entitled Personal Histories

Step 2: Notice the navigation bar on the left that sub-divides the personal histories as follows:
·      Aftermath
·      Camps
·      Children
·      Deportations
·      Ghettos
·      Hiding
·      Individuals
·      Liberation
·      Refugees
·      Rescue
·      Resistance
·      Survival

Step 3: Begin to explore the personal histories exhibited. Find personal histories that enrich and expand your pre-existing knowledge of the meaning of the Holocaust. Think in particular about living in the aftermath as a survivor.  It is a difficult task to exactly pinpoint how many Jews perished in the Holocaust, though estimates suggest upwards of 6 million. (USHMMPlease find at least 6 survivors to focus on and read their accounts and listen to their stories.

Step 4: Get ready for Harkness discussion. In our next reading, Perry will argue "The Holocaust was heightened irrationality and organized evil on an unprecedented scale. . . . Auschwitz, Treblinka, Sobibor, and the other death factories represent the triumph of human irrationality over reason—the surrender of the mind to a bizarre racial mythology that provided a meta- physical and pseudoscientific justification for mass murder. They also represent the ultimate perversion of reason. A calculating reason manufactured and organized lies and demented beliefs into a structured system with its own inner logic and em- ployed sophisticated technology and administrative techniques to destroy human beings spiritually and physically. Science and technology, venerated as the great achievement of the Western mind, had made mass extermination possible. The philosophes had not foreseen the destructive power inherent in reason."  Based on the sources provided from the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum, what is the meaning and legacy of the Holocaust for Western civilization? For Jews? For Christians? For Germans?  

The EU Mock Council Officially Begins


Are we in a world war one stalemate with COVID-19?

Will the post-coronavirus economy come roaring back? Lessons from 1918 and the Roaring 20s

A World of Hardening Borders? 

Note the new "tabs" on the Blog with current event articles from past years on all topics. Great historical context for our present crisis. Politics  Economy Cultural Identity 

Thursday, May 14, 2020

It pays to believe in America

Despite market pullbacks, stocks have risen over the long term

The data in the chart is described in the text.

Monday, May 11, 2020

Diversity in Europe Today

How did Indians Migrate Across the World?

Muslims in Britain 

Hindu temple in Hamm, Germany 

Inside Europe's Largest Sikh Temple 

Sikh charity feeding homeless people in London 

Turks in Germany then and now 

Turkey/Germany: 50 Years Later 

Immigration in Germany (circa 2012-2014)

A New Record: Germany Attracts More Immigrants (2013)

Bosnia and Herzegovina: An Ethnically Divided Country


Euro test is due on Tuesday, May 12 at 8:00 am on Turnitin.It is a take home test. THE QUESTION IS: Using the skill of perspective make the case that World War 1 was a Late Modernity War. Make sure  to define Late Modernity, and please  use Perry, Marshall, Craig, Gopnik in your answers. I would also like you to refer to Dadaism and comment on how relevant this Late Modernity perspective is in thinking about recent wars the United States has been involved in: I.e. the Vietnam War, the Afghanistan War and our two incursions into Iraq.