1. On Thursday, Feb. 20 you will have a TEST on the French Revolution and Napoleon. There will be two essay questions: 1. How is Simon Schema's view of the French Revolution in Citizens different from the one found in Palmer? 2. How did the French Revolution and Napoleon tarnish the image of Liberalism? You may do the first question as a take-home question and hand it on the day of the test. There will be a catena section as well.
2. On Friday, Feb. 21 Brad Brickner will give us his second music talk on the Baroque Period.
3. On Wednesday. Feb. 26 your opening paragraphs for your second research paper are due.
4. On Friday, March 7 Cynthia Noble will give another art talk.
5. On Friday, March 14 your second research papers are due.
The week of Feb. 17
CLASS ONE: we will continue our discussion of the Schema/Palmer interpretations of the French Revolution with a focus on Schema.
CLASS TWO: we will examine the second essay question where you are asked to explain how liberalism was tarnished by the French Revolution and Napoleon.
CLASS THREE: TEST on the French Revolution and Napoleon.
CLASS FOUR: Brickner's talk on Baroque Music. HOMEWORK: please read sections 52 and 53 in the second, red Palmer text.
The week of Feb. 24
CLASS ONE: We will discuss the Industrial Revolution and the advent of different political ideologies at the beginning of the 19th century. HOMEWORK: your opening paragraphs for your research papers are due tomorrow.
CLASS TWO: we will look at your paragraphs. HOMEWORK: read sections 54-56.
CLASS THREE: we will discuss the reading. HOMEWORK: read sections 57-59.
CLASS FOUR: we will discuss the reading. HOMEWORK: finish chapter 12