On Monday, April 20, we will depart the Lab School from the front lobby of the high school at 9:05 and walk to the Metra to take the 9:47 am train. Accordingly, Ms. Campos, I, and your 2nd period teacher (8:20-9:05) are expecting you to attend that class. We will be inside the Art Institute (Columbus student tour entrance) from shortly before 11 am until we leave to take the 2:20 pm Metra train back to school.
You should bring money to eat lunch at the Cafe so that we do not have to go back to the student tour room (where we left our coats last time) for any reason. You should bring money to pay for your Metra ride. While you may buy your ticket on the actual train on the way to the Art Institute, on the way back to school, you must buy your ticket at the station before climbing aboard the train. Once inside, you may not leave the Art Institute for any reason. They have art, lunch, coffee, pastries! What else do you need?
We will give you the choice of creating the specific group of ten students with whom you will walk around the Art Institute. We will then assign a chaperone to your group: this chaperone will accompany you around the Art Institute, to lunch, and keep track of you during any other breaks (bathroom, rest, coffee). They will be able to identify you, and you will be able to identify them, by your matching color of name tags (blue group, purple group, red group, etc). Each class (6th, 7th, 8th) will be given a specific meeting time to attend a 1 hour guided tour with Sally Cochrane. During the remainder of the day, you will have a sheet of specific masterpieces to view and critique while at the museum with your group and you will also have time for lunch. This sheet (COMPLETED) should be turned in to either Mr. Janus or Ms. Gerst at the end of the day.
Because Ms. Gerst's AT Euro History class occurs during 8th period, and you will have already had class that day at the museum, you have two options. One is to come to class anyway and work on tasks related to the year-long play project, which will be noted in PB & J's participation records. The other is to have advance permission (by email or in print signed below) from a parent allowing you to dismiss from the museum, at a different train stop, or from the school upon our return. It must specify the actual place from which she is allowed to dismiss you. Mr. Janus's 6th and 7th period classes are expected to return to the school and attend their 8th period class. Your 8th period teacher knows we expect to return no later than via the 2:20 Metra.
We trust you understand that these guidelines are necessary to meet the expectations of the Art Institute for the conduct of large groups of student field trips, to care for you during the hours you have been entrusted to our care, and to protect you, our chaperones, and ourselves in a culture marked by 20/20 hindsight and legalities. Please understand that the Art Institute trip is a privilege that Lab students have enjoyed for years, but one that could be terminated at any time by the Art Institute. We also appreciate a gracious and appreciative attitude towards Ms. Cochrane and our chaperones for sharing their time with us.
Ms. Gerst and Mr. Janus
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