Tuesday, November 1, 2016

Art Institute Field Trip Update

We upload Ms. Ledezma's Art Institute Field Trip Guidelines handout for your convenience, along with the Grading Rubric by which Ms. Gerst will assess your presentation with Ms. Ledezma's input. Please use both documents to prepare for your pairing's presentation at the Art Institute.  As soon as you know what painting, sculpture, etc. you plan to present, please email me with the name and artist. That way, we can make sure no two pairings overlap and Ms. Ledezma may MAP OUT our trip through the galleries.  Note that the Art Institute is open every Thursday evening, including this week, for free between 5-8 pm for your pre-planning trip. 

We will leave near the end of 2nd period at 10:15 am (meeting in the high school lobby) to take the 10:43 am Metra at 55-56-57 downtown. We are tentatively planning to return on the 3:07 pm Metra which arrives back at 3:17 pm in time to walk back to school for the end of the day dismissal. In order to attend, you must turn in any work due that day in advance and find out what homework will be due the following day.

The students scheduled to attend are below:

NOVEMBER 14 Renaissance & Baroque Student Presentation
Art Institute Field Trip
  • Ruxandra Nicolae and Mili Shah, An Elegant Company by Pieter Codde, European Painting and Sculpture, in Gallery 213
  • Derek de Jong and Henry Cassel, Still Life with Dead Game, Fruits and Vegetables in the Market, Kimball Family Gallery (tentative approval depending on location) 
  • Emma Trone and Roshni Padhi, Old Man with a Gold Chain, Rembrandt 
  • Seamus Flannery and Campbell Phalen, the Church of Santa Maria della Salute, Venice, Michele Marieschi 

  • Neena Dhanoa and Rachel Zemil, Denial of Saint Peter, Hendrick ter Brugghen, 1626-1629 
  • Priyanka Shrijay and Samira Glaeser-Khan, "Adoration of the Magi." Jan van Scorel, European Painting and Sculpture, Gallery 207
  • Noa Rebollo Baum and Henry Sowerby, "Kitchen Scene," Diego Velazquez 
  • Elena Liao and Megan Moran, "Saint Luke Drawing the Virgin and Christ Child," Girolamo Sellari, gallery 205. 
  • Jacob Posner and Jamal Nimer, "The Virgin of the Rosary with SaintsDominic and Catherine of Siena." Carl and Marilynn Thoma Collection, galleries 212-212a. 
  • Sarah Polson and Sophia Stamatakos, Wall Clock, European Decorative Arts, gallery 233
  • Jake Lim and Michelle Awh, "Landscape with the Ruins of the Castle of Egmond," gallery 213
  • Jenny Lewis and Lauren Williams, "Salome with the Head of Saint John the Baptist" by Guido Reni
  • Grace Zhang, Shreya Dhar, Alexander Pietraszek, and Mia Palmer,  "Portrait of Magdalena of Saxony, Wife of Elector Joachim II of Brandenburg" and "The Cruxifixion" (gallery 207)
  • Tia Polite and Kendall Cunningham, "The Music Lesson, by Jacob Ochtervelt" (1671).
  • Jasmine Wang and Al Dines, "Peter and John Healing the Cripple at the Gate of the Temple." 
  • Shiva Menta and Nicholas Merchant, "Archangel Michael Overcoming the Devil." 


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