Wednesday, February 22, 2017

Winter Research Paper

On Monday, February 27, your final, polished research paper is due. Winter Research Paper handout. We are willing to consider extension requests by email so long as you understand that you must keep up with the reading and discussion work when we begin our last unit, Nationalism & Unification on Tuesday, 2/28. No extensions will be given past Tuesday, March 7, and no papers will be accepted after that date. The final in-class work day for your paper is Monday. We start Napoleon III on Tuesday. Harkness Discussion grading in effect and daily participation is required. 

Friday, February 17, 2017

Research Weekend Begins

How may I get this research completed efficiently and effectively and enjoy the nice weather this weekend?

Step 1: Pick an -ism.  Say you pick Stalinism. Ok, that's perfect. 

Step 2: Go to ABC-CLIO (ABC-CLIO Modern World History, for an introduction. Look for a biography and some primary sources. 

Bio? Check. 

Primary Source? I found a speech easily.

Step 3: Go to History Today ( to check out how scholars are discussing Stalin's legacy today. 

Article? Done.

Wow. I already have three sources and I just started. 

Step 4: I'm going to check out the Fordham University Modern History Sourcebook (

Ok, I skimmed through the titles and found this: Stalin's essay on Dialectical and Historical Materialism. 

That was easy.  A 2003 peer-reviewed article entitled, Looking Back on Stalin.

And look! One directed underneath that one: Stalin and His Era

Step 6: One last search. I'm going to try Project Muse, 

Found a good one. 2012 and about Stalin's genocides. 

Step 7: Start compiling a bibliography using 

I'm finished and I'm going to read these articles beginning in class on Monday. 

Monday, February 6, 2017

Maoist China

                                Communists, Nationalists, and China's Revolutions China's Revolutions

Mao's China (BBC)

Mao (Post WWII)

Great Leap Forward

                                                     Cultural Revolution (People's Century)

Karl Marx and Marxism Explained