Friday, February 17, 2017

Research Weekend Begins

How may I get this research completed efficiently and effectively and enjoy the nice weather this weekend?

Step 1: Pick an -ism.  Say you pick Stalinism. Ok, that's perfect. 

Step 2: Go to ABC-CLIO (ABC-CLIO Modern World History, for an introduction. Look for a biography and some primary sources. 

Bio? Check. 

Primary Source? I found a speech easily.

Step 3: Go to History Today ( to check out how scholars are discussing Stalin's legacy today. 

Article? Done.

Wow. I already have three sources and I just started. 

Step 4: I'm going to check out the Fordham University Modern History Sourcebook (

Ok, I skimmed through the titles and found this: Stalin's essay on Dialectical and Historical Materialism. 

That was easy.  A 2003 peer-reviewed article entitled, Looking Back on Stalin.

And look! One directed underneath that one: Stalin and His Era

Step 6: One last search. I'm going to try Project Muse, 

Found a good one. 2012 and about Stalin's genocides. 

Step 7: Start compiling a bibliography using 

I'm finished and I'm going to read these articles beginning in class on Monday. 

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