Wednesday, September 20, 2017

Renaissance Test Study Guide

·      Princely rule and Humanism

·      Civic humanism and secular history

·      Black Death and humanism

·      Individualism and Renaissance art

·      Medievalist periodization and Humanist periodization

·      Northern Renaissance and Machiavelli

·      New Monarchs and secularism

·      Individualism and Renaissance popes

·      Modernity and Renaissance

·      Feudal law and Roman law

·      Nationalism and dislike of outsiders

Muslim scholarship and the Renaissance 

Printing press and Renaissance culture 

·      To what extent, if any, did women have a Renaissance? Consider all readings, including the technical definition of Renaissance and its essential features (including its own periodization).

·      How did humanists change the trajectory of European history? Consider politics, economics, religion, and society (e.g., the role of women).

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