Tuesday, January 16, 2018

French Revolution & Napoleon Test: Key Themes

Enlightenment ideals/principles
National Assembly
Declaration of the Rights of Man
Reign of Terror
economic instability
economic modernization

Your first test of the quarter on the French Revolution & Napoleonic Europe will be held on Monday, January 22.  You will NOT have a notecard. You will have a test prep period in class in which you may write down quotations (using your textbook and your notebook) relevant to the class question on a handout that looks like this. You must turn the handout in at the end of the prep period, and the handouts will be distributed at the beginning of the testing period on Monday, January 22.  You should not be colloborating with other students; rather, you should be developing your own unique vantage point on the Revolution.  You will still type your essay and turn in via turnitin.com. (All class essay questions will be different beginning in the Winter Quarter, i.e., no class period will have the same question as another class period.) 

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