Tuesday, September 25, 2018

Think About Your Top Three Countries for the Mock EU Council

Go to the EU Mock Council 2019 page on the blog, scroll down to the bottom, and use steps 1-4 to explore countries of interest to you. Factors to consider:
  • your own language proficiency 
  • the region inside or outside of Europe you are most interested in 
  • the issues you are interested in (political, economic, or social). This year, we are featuring themes of (1) liberal democracy and the rule of law; (2) trade, competitiveness and globalization; and (3) language, immigration and identity.
  • the partner(s) you want (larger countries are generally assigned three students, smaller countries two students, and partners are typically assigned within a class period so that you may work together on current event assignments) 
  • you and your partner will split up the themes above within your country, so you should not sign up with a partner where both of you are dead-set on the same theme 
Questions may be referred to Mr. Janus or Ms. Gerst.  Sign-ups will begin in very early October. 

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