Monday, October 8, 2018

Sign-Up Sheets for the Art Institute and for the EU Mock Council

Please sign up for the Art Institute field trip here.

Factors to consider:

  • how busy you are this quarter versus how busy you are in the very late winter/early spring quarter (make sure you consider your extra-curricular activities) 
  • your interest in representational vs. non-representational art 
  • with whom you plan to partner 

Please sign up for your top three choices for the EU Mock Council here.

Factors to consider:
  • your own language proficiency 
  • the region inside or outside of Europe you are most interested in 
  • the issues you are interested in (political, economic, or social). This year, we are featuring themes of (1) liberal democracy and the rule of law; (2) trade, competitiveness and globalization; and (3) language, immigration and identity.
  • the partner(s) you want (larger countries are generally assigned three students, smaller countries two students, and partners are typically assigned within a class period so that you may work together on current event assignments) 
  • you and your partner will split up the themes above within your country, so you should not sign up with a partner where both of you are dead-set on the same theme 

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