Thursday, October 23, 2014

No doubt, Spain hit the "mother lode" in the New World: what should Phillip II have done with the money?  When do you go to war and when do you not?  Did Phillip do a good job (as a leader) dealing with the revolt of the Netherlands?  Could Phillip have prevented the revolt in the first place?  What about his actions with regard to England? On Friday, we will continue this discussion as well as contrast Phillip II's leadership with Henry IV of France.   If you are having difficulties thinking politically, review pages 74-77 on the NEW MONARCHS, the predecessors of these Reformation Age monarchs.  There are characteristics of new politically-minded monarchs and how they develop sound political, economic and social policy. 

If you missed class, we also watched this 3 minute clip about Phillip II's Baroque palace El Escorial. 

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