Monday, April 6, 2020

Week 3 Remote Learning: Take-at-Home Exam & Birth of Social Science

This is an important week in our remote learning sequence. Your first take-at-home exam has been posted via Schoology and the blog. Ms. Gerst's different classes will access their own unique documents and questions via Schoology (go to Materials) and you will submit your response to We will be incorporating feedback on your response within your midterm comments (due April 20).

More specific instructions are on the blog's ASSIGNED WORK page. Look for Week 3 (April 13-17). We will discuss Freud and Zweig during Video Call #1 and the Sociologists during Video Call #2.

While Ms. Gerst's students are moving to Zoom (check your email and calendar for the link and password), Mr. Janus's students will continue to use Google Hangouts for Harkness Discussions. They will be held per week as follows: 1st period Tuesdays and Thursdays 8-8:45 am; 5th period on Tuesdays and Thursdays 11:35-12:20; 7th period on Monday and Wednesday 1:50-2:35; 8th period Tuesday 2:20-3:05 and Thursday 2:40-3:25 pm. You should be ready to communicate your understanding of the Harkness question(s). If your teacher is dropped from the call, students should hang up and wait for the teacher to re-initiate the call.

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