Welcome Video for Week 2 Remote Learning Plan: Late Modernity Irrationalism
Our remote learning statement has been updated with our pass/fail policy. See below.
Please watch the Week 2 welcome VIDEO from Mr. Janus and myself above.
Your instructions are on the blog's ASSIGNED WORK page. Look for Week 2 (April 6-10).
Google Hangouts is still our “go to” for now for Harkness Discussions. They will be held per week as follows: 1st period Tuesdays and Thursdays 8-8:45 am; 5th period on Tuesdays and Thursdays 11:35-12:20; 7th period, Wednesday 1:50-2:35 and Friday 2:20-3:05; 8th period Tuesday 2:20-3:05 and Thursday 2:40-3:25 pm. Your teacher will initiate the video conference. You should be ready to communicate your understanding of the Harkness question(s). If your teacher is dropped from the call, students should hang up and wait for the teacher to re-initiate the call.
The EU Mock Council will address the global response to COVID-19. Each class will have two Harkness discussions via Google Hangout or Zoom per week. This is your synchronous (at the same time) learning. You should finish Reading One before the first call and Reading Two before the second call. Reading Three will introduce you to material for the next week, and should be paired with your own asynchronous (at your own pace) learning activities listed for that week on the Unit’s Study Guide to help you master the material. Written assessment of your work will take the same form as in the past, but will be completed at home and uploaded to turnitin.com. You should use your books and notes. You may not use the Internet or consult with other students. Work alone! Violating the Academic Integrity policy when we are pass/fail would be totally irrational. Violators will be referred to Ms. Campos for disciplinary action.
[UPDATE] Our current understanding of pass/fail for AT Modern European History is that you demonstrate sufficient mastery of the major concepts and ideas such that you may carry them forward to the next unit (e.g., Unit 7 "extreme nationalism" to Unit 8 "economic nationalism" to Unit 10 "nationalism as a cause of WWI" to Unit 11 "the Third Reich deployed racial nationalism against Jews" to current events today that divide nations amidst the COVID-19 crisis. Assessment will continue to be skill-based: our two weekly call assess your ability to communicate clearly regarding concepts and ideas, your unit written analysis assesses your ability to break down piece-by-piece the ideas within primary and secondary sources using historical thinking skills, and your EU Mock Council COVID-19 Schoology Group assesses your ability to juxtapose current events with their historical antecedents. We are available to you as usual by email daily and we have developed asynchronous, multimedia resources to help you.
[UPDATE] Our current understanding of pass/fail for AT Modern European History is that you demonstrate sufficient mastery of the major concepts and ideas such that you may carry them forward to the next unit (e.g., Unit 7 "extreme nationalism" to Unit 8 "economic nationalism" to Unit 10 "nationalism as a cause of WWI" to Unit 11 "the Third Reich deployed racial nationalism against Jews" to current events today that divide nations amidst the COVID-19 crisis. Assessment will continue to be skill-based: our two weekly call assess your ability to communicate clearly regarding concepts and ideas, your unit written analysis assesses your ability to break down piece-by-piece the ideas within primary and secondary sources using historical thinking skills, and your EU Mock Council COVID-19 Schoology Group assesses your ability to juxtapose current events with their historical antecedents. We are available to you as usual by email daily and we have developed asynchronous, multimedia resources to help you.
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